Purple Wrapped Rock Hemp Necklace

The hippy inside me has a deep love for wire wrapped and hemp jewelry. There is something relaxing about making a wrapped rock too. I liked that this mostly black and white rock had a little bit of a purple hue to it, so I used a deep purple wire and some purple beads to bring out the color. I have a TON of random glass beads that I like to mix and match, used all white, clear, black and purple beads for this necklace.

purple wrapped rock necklace

Amethyst Necklace

I made this a while ago, but haven’t gotten around to posting it. I love making jewelry, and brought a whole ton of craft stuff out to the trailer a few weeks ago with my friend and boyfriend.

I got the amethyst in the shop while we were hiking around Starved Rock, and I used black embroidery thread. There is also purple and black iridescent black beads, as well as silver heart beads.

The clasp:

blue frog hemp necklace

blue frog necklace 1

hemp necklace with turquoise-ey blue disc beads, and a dark blue glass bead with gold bands around it. the bottom has a little silver frog with blue shell on it’s back.

blue frog necklace2

also going to my coworker for secret santa.

blue frog necklace3

blue frog necklace4

there is also little silver flower beads

blue frog necklace 5

pink and pearl crystal heart necklace

merry christmas everyone! we’re doing a secret santa at my work, and this is one of the things i’ll be giving my co-worker.

heart necklace 1


a long multi-strand necklace with a big crystal heart at the bottom.

heart necklace 2


closeup of the heart

heart necklace 3


there are pearl, clear, white frosted, pink and silver glass beads as well as tiny metal silver hearts.

heart necklace 4


it has an adjustable metal clasp, and pink and black cord.

heart necklace 5


hope she likes it!

multi-strand monochrome necklace

this necklace is available on etsy! go check it out here if you’re interested 🙂

black and pearl necklace 1

since i got a lot of beads for christmas, there will be all kinds of beaded jewelry coming up.

black and pearl necklace 2

this necklace has pearl, iridescent clear, white frosted and plain clear glass beads

black and pearl necklace 3

it has a non-adjustable metal clasp.